TALK 6: Business Models Archetypes in Social Entrepreneurship
Trainer: Tzvetelina Teneva | The Business Institute (Bulgaria)
Participants profile: Social entrepreneurs | Social entrepreneurship business support organisations
Capacity Building Programme
Please note: All events are taking place Central European Time (CET)
Trainer: Tzvetelina Teneva | The Business Institute (Bulgaria)
Participants profile: Social entrepreneurs | Social entrepreneurship business support organisations
Trainer: Genio
Location: Zoom – Register to join
Please register here to join this meeting online:
Trainer: Vera Egreja Barracho | Portugal Social Innovation (Portugal)
Participants profile: Civil servants, ESF Managing Authorities and Intermediate Bodies representatives, local and policy decision makers, Intermediaries and social innovation ecosystem builders
Trainer: Mario Vottero | Rethink Ireland
Participants profile: Foundations, Social Entreprises intermediaries, social investment practitioners, social sector funders
Trainer: Mariyana Hamanova | Cleantech Bulgaria
Participants profile: Public authorities, municipalities, start-ups, (social) entreprenuers, accelerators, NGOs, SMEs, etc.